Fight Off the Selfish Pity Party!

>> Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wilderness Button

"Confession time is in order here. I still have times when life just
piles on top of me more than I can handle. It weighs me down to my
knees to the point of crying out before God. There is no way I can see
God if I am on the ground just trying to stand up much less look up. It
is at this moment I have to come to grips with obedience to God and
letting Him have all these cares that weigh so heavily on me. I must
fight off the petty selfish pity party moment and the temptation to
blame God for my ills. How can we fight off the temptation to be
selfish, arrogant and proud while keeping God as our vision? By
immersing ourselves in the Word of God! We need to be growing
deeper in His Word, digging out nuggets of gold. Surface study,
surface teaching and surface preaching keeps Believers from doing
great things for God."

Signature 375


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