In need of a Savior!

>> Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wilderness Button

"As I have stated before, the gospel of Jesus Christ is not an easy
pill to swallow for most people. Sure on the surface it may seem easy,
but when the Holy Spirit prepares to give a person a brand new heart
the gospel becomes more difficult as the reality of sin starts to bring
about humiliation to their soul and shame of a sinful life towards God
no matter how big or small begins to break down the defenses of such
a “good” person. The work of the Holy Spirit here brings the lost
person to see themselves exactly as they are, in need of a Savior to
forgive them of their sins. The lost state of being, before any
regeneration of the soul or before a new spiritual birth, finds us very
satisfied and comfortable in our sinfulness. We love our sinfulness
although most would not call it sin. At this point in life, the lost person
does not even recognize he is an enemy of God and follower of Satan.
This statement may offend someone right now reading this. Please,
understand we only have two sides to be on. You are either on God’s
side and a born again Believer and follower of Christ or you are not."

Signature 375


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