God is still making us!

>> Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wilderness Button

"I came across a great statement an older believer once angrily
asked his pastor, “Why has God made me this way? The pastor
cracked a gentle smile and replied, “God has not made you-He
is still making you”.
What a wise statement by the pastor. As
Believers we are all in the same process…it is in our pilgrimage through
the wilderness when God reveals who He really is and why we must
trust and obey Him. The pain and many times the humiliation we
encounter in the wilderness is when true godly character is formed.
This truth about God’s ways can escape us during these menacing
days, weeks, months or even years we find ourselves circling in the
wilderness. However, we can trust God is patiently and many times
gently molding us, while other times He is violently molding us into His
image and for His greater purposes."

Signature 375


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